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4 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Η σειρά αφηγείται την ιστορία της Gonca, η οποία συναντά τα μυστηριώδη μυστικά του παρελθόντος χάρη στην κληρονομιά που της άφησε μετά θάνατον η μητέρα της, και του Toprak, του γιου της οικογένειας Atabey, μιας από τις κορυφαίες οικογένειες της Isparta.

5 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Η σειρά αφηγείται την ιστορία της Gonca, η οποία συναντά τα μυστηριώδη μυστικά του παρελθόντος χάρη στην κληρονομιά που της άφησε μετά θάνατον η μητέρα της, και του Toprak, του γιου της οικογένειας Atabey, μιας από τις κορυφαίες οικογένειες της Isparta.

25 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Превод и субтитри:Йоана Неделчева
⁣Сериалът ще разкаже историята на Ализе, която се опитва да попречи на баща си да се ожени повторно след смъртта на майка й.

8 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣Ozan comes to a summer resort town to spend his summer vacation with his family at his father-in-law's luxury villa. Aslı is a young married woman who is trying to keep her partner restaurant alive in the same town. At a moment when Ozan's little daughter comes face to face with death, the paths of the two cross. Both of them feel the attraction between them in an unexpected place. Because some wounds can only be hidden until someone who has the same wound realizes it... A secret relationship has started that will create an earthquake effect in each other's lives. Aslı and Ozan's life has changed forever with an experience full of passion, betrayal, and life-or-death moments.
Aslı - Hazar Ergüçlü
Ozan - Fırat Çelik
Beril - Defne Kayalar
Volkan - Ahmet Rıfat Şungar
Leyla - Zuhal Olcay
Korhan - Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Serkan -İsmail Ege Şaşmaz
Sevim - Nur Sürer
Müge - Nazlı Senem Ünal
İlhan - Tugay Mercan
Efsun - Janset
Burak - Yekta Kopan

9 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣Ozan comes to a summer resort town to spend his summer vacation with his family at his father-in-law's luxury villa. Aslı is a young married woman who is trying to keep her partner restaurant alive in the same town. At a moment when Ozan's little daughter comes face to face with death, the paths of the two cross. Both of them feel the attraction between them in an unexpected place. Because some wounds can only be hidden until someone who has the same wound realizes it... A secret relationship has started that will create an earthquake effect in each other's lives. Aslı and Ozan's life has changed forever with an experience full of passion, betrayal, and life-or-death moments.
Aslı - Hazar Ergüçlü
Ozan - Fırat Çelik
Beril - Defne Kayalar
Volkan - Ahmet Rıfat Şungar
Leyla - Zuhal Olcay
Korhan - Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Serkan -İsmail Ege Şaşmaz
Sevim - Nur Sürer
Müge - Nazlı Senem Ünal
İlhan - Tugay Mercan
Efsun - Janset
Burak - Yekta Kopan

7 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣Ozan comes to a summer resort town to spend his summer vacation with his family at his father-in-law's luxury villa. Aslı is a young married woman who is trying to keep her partner restaurant alive in the same town. At a moment when Ozan's little daughter comes face to face with death, the paths of the two cross. Both of them feel the attraction between them in an unexpected place. Because some wounds can only be hidden until someone who has the same wound realizes it... A secret relationship has started that will create an earthquake effect in each other's lives. Aslı and Ozan's life has changed forever with an experience full of passion, betrayal, and life-or-death moments.
Aslı - Hazar Ergüçlü
Ozan - Fırat Çelik
Beril - Defne Kayalar
Volkan - Ahmet Rıfat Şungar
Leyla - Zuhal Olcay
Korhan - Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Serkan -İsmail Ege Şaşmaz
Sevim - Nur Sürer
Müge - Nazlı Senem Ünal
İlhan - Tugay Mercan
Efsun - Janset
Burak - Yekta Kopan

7 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣The emotional story of a father and his devotion to his kids, however not everything goes as it should…

5 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Stars Emre Bey,Buse Meral,Fatih Al
⁣The story of Zelish, the daughter of mountains, streams and plateaus, and Mehmet, who is passionate about all kinds of adventure and action.

10 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣Ates, one of the most famous basketball players in the country, and his wife Deniz are happily married. As Ates's name gets involved in a big scandal, their lives are turned upside down.
⁣Stars Burcu Özberk,Gökhan Alkan,Selin Sekerci

11 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Καντίρ, Ομέρ, Ασίγε και Έμελ... Αυτές οι τέσσερις αδερφές είναι σφιχτά δεμένες μεταξύ τους και μετά από μια σειρά ατυχών συμβάντων, χάνουν τόσο τη μητέρα όσο και τον πατέρα τους. Σε αυτόν τον μεγάλο κόσμο, δεν έχουν καμία άλλη επιλογή παρά να κρατηθούν αλληλέγγυες, δεν έχουν καμία άλλη χειρονομία να πιάσουν.

8 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Η σειρά αφηγείται την ιστορία της Gonca, η οποία συναντά τα μυστηριώδη μυστικά του παρελθόντος χάρη στην κληρονομιά που της άφησε μετά θάνατον η μητέρα της, και του Toprak, του γιου της οικογένειας Atabey, μιας από τις κορυφαίες οικογένειες της Isparta.

6 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Η σειρά αφηγείται την ιστορία της Gonca, η οποία συναντά τα μυστηριώδη μυστικά του παρελθόντος χάρη στην κληρονομιά που της άφησε μετά θάνατον η μητέρα της, και του Toprak, του γιου της οικογένειας Atabey, μιας από τις κορυφαίες οικογένειες της Isparta.

8 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Η Δύναμη της Αγάπης, με πρωταγωνιστές τον Kadir Doğulu και την Elçin Sangu, είναι η ιστορία δύο ανθρώπων που κυνηγούν έναν αδύνατο έρωτα. Η σειρά αναπτύσσεται γύρω από τη σχέση του Γιοκάν, του γιού μιας πλούσιας οικογένειας, και της Ζεϊνέπ, της κόρης του οικονόμου της φάρμας και παρουσιάζει μια ρομαντική ιστορία αγάπης στο κοινό.

15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Η Δύναμη της Αγάπης, με πρωταγωνιστές τον Kadir Doğulu και την Elçin Sangu, είναι η ιστορία δύο ανθρώπων που κυνηγούν έναν αδύνατο έρωτα. Η σειρά αναπτύσσεται γύρω από τη σχέση του Γιοκάν, του γιού μιας πλούσιας οικογένειας, και της Ζεϊνέπ, της κόρης του οικονόμου της φάρμας και παρουσιάζει μια ρομαντική ιστορία αγάπης στο κοινό.

10 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Η Δύναμη της Αγάπης, με πρωταγωνιστές τον Kadir Doğulu και την Elçin Sangu, είναι η ιστορία δύο ανθρώπων που κυνηγούν έναν αδύνατο έρωτα. Η σειρά αναπτύσσεται γύρω από τη σχέση του Γιοκάν, του γιού μιας πλούσιας οικογένειας, και της Ζεϊνέπ, της κόρης του οικονόμου της φάρμας και παρουσιάζει μια ρομαντική ιστορία αγάπης στο κοινό.

11 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Ates, one of the most famous basketball players in the country, and his wife Deniz are happily married. As Ates's name gets involved in a big scandal, their lives are turned upside down.
⁣Stars Burcu Özberk,Gökhan Alkan,Selin Sekerci

67 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣Orhun é um empresário de sucesso que foi criado em uma família rica, mas sem amor, junto com sua irmã gêmea Nihan, a irmã mais nova Nurşah e sua mãe fria e distante, Afife. Há algum tempo, Nihan partiu para fazer trabalho voluntário como médica na Eritreia, mas recentemente não foi possível contatá-la e sua família está preocupada com ela.

Orhun decide ir atrás de sua irmã gêmea e trazê-la de volta para casa. Enquanto procura por sua irmã, ele se depara com Hira, uma garota pobre que vive como prisioneira nas mãos de traficantes. Quando eles descobrem que Nihan foi envenenado e morto por uma gangue local, Orhun desiste. Quando se descobre que na verdade foi Hira quem foi incriminado pela gangue e envenenou sua irmã, Orhun traça um plano de vingança maléfico: ele levará Hira para casa com ele, mas em vez de salvá-la da vida como prisioneira, ele fará as coisas ficarem ainda melhores. pior para ela...

10 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣Ozan comes to a summer resort town to spend his summer vacation with his family at his father-in-law's luxury villa. Aslı is a young married woman who is trying to keep her partner restaurant alive in the same town. At a moment when Ozan's little daughter comes face to face with death, the paths of the two cross. Both of them feel the attraction between them in an unexpected place. Because some wounds can only be hidden until someone who has the same wound realizes it... A secret relationship has started that will create an earthquake effect in each other's lives. Aslı and Ozan's life has changed forever with an experience full of passion, betrayal, and life-or-death moments.
Aslı - Hazar Ergüçlü
Ozan - Fırat Çelik
Beril - Defne Kayalar
Volkan - Ahmet Rıfat Şungar
Leyla - Zuhal Olcay
Korhan - Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Serkan -İsmail Ege Şaşmaz
Sevim - Nur Sürer
Müge - Nazlı Senem Ünal
İlhan - Tugay Mercan
Efsun - Janset
Burak - Yekta Kopan

6 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣Ozan comes to a summer resort town to spend his summer vacation with his family at his father-in-law's luxury villa. Aslı is a young married woman who is trying to keep her partner restaurant alive in the same town. At a moment when Ozan's little daughter comes face to face with death, the paths of the two cross. Both of them feel the attraction between them in an unexpected place. Because some wounds can only be hidden until someone who has the same wound realizes it... A secret relationship has started that will create an earthquake effect in each other's lives. Aslı and Ozan's life has changed forever with an experience full of passion, betrayal, and life-or-death moments.
Aslı - Hazar Ergüçlü
Ozan - Fırat Çelik
Beril - Defne Kayalar
Volkan - Ahmet Rıfat Şungar
Leyla - Zuhal Olcay
Korhan - Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Serkan -İsmail Ege Şaşmaz
Sevim - Nur Sürer
Müge - Nazlı Senem Ünal
İlhan - Tugay Mercan
Efsun - Janset
Burak - Yekta Kopan

6 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣Ozan comes to a summer resort town to spend his summer vacation with his family at his father-in-law's luxury villa. Aslı is a young married woman who is trying to keep her partner restaurant alive in the same town. At a moment when Ozan's little daughter comes face to face with death, the paths of the two cross. Both of them feel the attraction between them in an unexpected place. Because some wounds can only be hidden until someone who has the same wound realizes it... A secret relationship has started that will create an earthquake effect in each other's lives. Aslı and Ozan's life has changed forever with an experience full of passion, betrayal, and life-or-death moments.
Aslı - Hazar Ergüçlü
Ozan - Fırat Çelik
Beril - Defne Kayalar
Volkan - Ahmet Rıfat Şungar
Leyla - Zuhal Olcay
Korhan - Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Serkan -İsmail Ege Şaşmaz
Sevim - Nur Sürer
Müge - Nazlı Senem Ünal
İlhan - Tugay Mercan
Efsun - Janset
Burak - Yekta Kopan

Showing 116 out of 119